Broad overview:
Objective: cracking the code of a successful targeting formula. For example: Women + age 35-44 + living in Rotterdam and The Hague = high engagement and conversions on the services / products of our particular client.
In stead of making assumptions or figuring out the pieces of this formula by running test campaigns (which takes at least three days and means having to spend a part of our client’s valuable marketing budget), we make sure we already have the formula before we even get started. The phase in which we do this is the Research phase and enables us to be more cost-efficient and get our clients results faster.
- Spy-tool shows us (demographic specific) details about the best preforming ads of your direct competitors.
- Google tool shows us (geographic specific) details about the most popular keywords used by your audience.
- We examine how these direct competitors could’ve done a better job at their ad creatives (copy + content).
- We come up with practical ways to better your online positioning / presence. (pixels, SEO tools etc.)
- We analyze your industry’s main traffic sources to identify the most effective marketing channels for you.
Basically, we already know the specific target audiences (gender, age, location) that engage best with your brand, what type of content to create to build sustainable relevance and what your brand’s most effective marketing channels are before even spending a dime. If we can’t boost your brand having all this up-front data nobody can…
Based on the data we’ve obtained during our research phase we launch our first campaign(s).
- Eliminate everything that causes low CTR (click thru ratio) and high CPC (cost per click).
- CRO (conversion rate optimization)
Once we’ve established an excellent conversion rate and all low CTR + high CPC triggers are out of the way we’re left with a campaign that brings in daily results and yields a steady ROI / ROAS. Now it’s time to scale and maximize profits. Scaling can be done either by adding more target audiences (horizontal scaling) or by raising the daily ad budget with about 20% every three days(vertical scaling).
Curious to learn more about our R.E.O.S.© model and what it can do for your company’s growth? Click the button below and pick a date and time that suits you best.